Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sabbath could end Jewish school's basketball playoff run

The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools refuses to change the game time, which falls at 9pm on Friday night, well after sundown and the start of the Jewish Sabbath. The Bergen school is an Orthodox school. For those not already aware, Orthodox Jews are highly observant of religious rules and customs. The school has even offered to pay the cost of rescheduling the game. The appeal has been denied.

In fact, one of the children was quoted as saying that God doesn't take a week off from us, so we should not take a week off from God. I bet his parents are proud of the son that they raised.

I am puzzled by the intransigence of the Association, since they mention "Parochial" schools in their title. Doesn't that mean religious schools? Why are there no games scheduled on Sunday? Ever? TAPPS Contact Info: phone (254) 947-9268 fax (254) 947-9368 email: edd@tapps.net twitter: @TAPPSnet


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