Monday, February 20, 2012

Gallup shows Santorum leading by 8 points

Santorum could indeed be an electable candidate, according to recent data.
Gallup's daily tracking poll shows Rick Santorum continuing to gain momentum among national Republican voters, with the former senator now holding an 8 percentage point lead over Mitt Romney. Santorum earned the support of 36 percent of voters, up one percent from Saturday. Romney fell by one percent to 28 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) held steady at 13 percent and 11 percent respectively.
Hat Tip American Power.
Via NYT blog
One thing that puzzles me. Why did Gallup show Mitt Romney versus Obama numbers (48 to 48) and Gingrich versus Obama (Obama leads 53 to 41), but not Santorum versus Obama. With Santorum in the lead, it seems like Gallup is either hiding something, or doing a poor job of polling.


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