Thursday, April 19, 2012

Obama's war on Stay-At-Home-Moms

"President Obama’s calculated war on women has unintentionally turned into the war against stay-at-home moms, and these moms will not stand for it. The SAHMs have a voice and strong opinions and most importantly, they vote.

I’ve worked grueling hours on the campaign trail and in the White House, but deciding to stay at home with my children has by far been the most demanding yet most rewarding job.

I challenge any of these liberal feminists from the media including Bill Maher to spend 24 hours with the five Schlapp girls ranging from ages 3 months to 9-years-old. 
Believe me, they will work their butts off, and I’m sure Ann Romney would agree. On second thought Mrs. Romney is welcome to come to my house, and Mr. Maher can stay at the hotel down the street."

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