Monday, February 14, 2011

NPR warns Republicans not to defund public broadcasting

If NPR is defunded they could lose as many as 900 stations.

And that would hurt America how?

This is sounding better and better. If the NPR listeners like the programming so much let them pitch in. Or find advertisers like everybody else. What makes them so special that they don't have to pay their own way. Oh, wait. They're liberals. They want everybody ELSE to pay. Not them. Got it.


The head of National Public Radio on Monday warned House Republicans against zeroing out federal funding for public broadcasting, arguing that cutting off the annual subsidy could shut down some or all of the 900 public radio stations around the country.
The House Appropriations Committee last week unveiled its budget for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which ends Sept. 30. It included nothing for NPR, which has been in the sights of Republicans who say the network's liberal agenda silences any other points of view. Opponents cited the firing of Fox News Channel contributor Juan Williams last fall as an example of its intolerance.
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