Thursday, March 3, 2011

Judge Vinson for President 2012! He Will Stop Obamacare!

Florida Judge Roger Vinson

O. M. G.

I can't believe that Florida Judge Roger Vinson had the gonads to take Obama and Holder to the woodshed over Obamacare. But he did.

These two slippery characters are given 7 days to appeal Vinson's overturning of Obamacare or ELSE.

Vinson berated the Obama administration for asking him to clarify his prior ruling, instead of asking for a stay.  He beat them to the punch and treated their request as a request for a stay, which he granted.  For only seven days.  After that he most certainly will grant a stay against implementation of Obamacare, which is what he meant to do in the first place.  This will, hopefully, force the matter into appeal and stop the Obama Administration's foot-dragging.

Let's see how Obama and Holder skate around this one.

God bless and keep you, Judge Vinson.  You are one of the bravest and most patriotic judges in America today.


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