Hrithik Roshan Wife Suzanne Valentine Day 2011 plans Interviews Talks Chat

Hrithik Roshan has his day chalked out for family and children and most importantly he is looking to surprise Hot Wife Suzanne Roshan.
As per Latest Hrithik Roshan Interviews, he said that, "I really put in an effort when I buy gifts. I believe in giving my wife meaningful things that can bring a smile on her face. Which woman doesn't like receiving gifts from her man? Not just Suzanne, even if I'm gifting something to anyone be it my parents, children or close friends, I make sure the gift is special."
"It is definitely the day I said the three big words to Suzanne. It took her by surprise. I don't really have great memories of Valentine's Day as I was a shy kid and never really got the courage to walk up to the girl I liked and talk to her, forget asking her out."
"I became confident as I grew up. But it surely feels great getting all the attention. It is a huge compliment. I don't think today being married changes anything. Marriage makes people sexier,"
"I'm an incurable romantic. I love the concept of being in love with one person throughout my life and I'm blessed to have Suzanne and on Valentine's Day, I renew my vows of being with her, loving her and be her bouncing board all my life. I believe that little things make the biggest difference to a relationship. I'm a very passionate person. For me, Valentine Day is more than just the conventional man-woman relationship. It's about love for family, for children and for people around me. I thank my fans for the love they have been showering on me and I promise to give back as much as I can."
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